SemDial 2024, TrentoLogue: First Call for Papers

Giuseppe Riccardi
Thu, Mar 7, 2024 8:44 AM

SemDial 2024 -- TrentoLogue
The 28th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
11 and 12 September 2024
University of Trento, Italy

TrentoLogue will be the 28th edition of the SemDial workshop series
which aim to bring together researchers working on the semantics and
pragmatics of dialogue in fields such as formal semantics and
pragmatics, computational linguistics, artificial intelligence,
philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience.

Keynote speakers
Uri Hasson, Princeton University
Azzurra Ruggeri, Max Planck Institute
Bernardo Magnini, Fondazone Bruno Kessler  (FBK)


  • Long paper submissions:  May 26, 2024

  • Reviews due to: June 24, 2024

  • Notification for long papers:  July 1, 2024

  • Short paper submissions:  July 11, 2024

  • Notification for short papers: July 17, 2024

  • Camera Ready: August 26, 2024

  • Registration Deadline: August 27, 2024

Note: All deadlines are 11:59PM UTC-12:00 ("Anywhere on Earth").

We welcome submissions with formal, computational, and empirical
approaches to the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue, including, but
not limited to:

  • the dynamics of agents' information states in dialogue
  • common ground/mutual belief
  • goals, intentions, and commitments in communication
  • turn-taking and interaction control
  • semantic/pragmatic interpretation in dialogue
  • dialogue and discourse structure
  • categorization of dialogue phenomena in corpora
  • child-adult interaction
  • language learning through dialogue
  • gesture, gaze, and intonational meaning in communication
  • multimodal dialogue
  • interpretation and reasoning in spoken dialogue systems
  • dialogue management
  • designing and evaluating dialogue systems
  • modelling miscommunication, disfluency, and repair
  • dialogue/interaction studies from a psychological perspective
  • neuroscience of dialogue
  • Interactivist approaches to dialogue
  • animal communication


Long papers: Authors should submit an anonymous paper of at most 8
pages of content (up to 2 additional pages are allowed for references).

Short papers: Authors should submit a non-anonymized paper of at most
2 pages of content (up to 1 additional page allowed for references).
Submissions to this track can be non-archival on request.

Submissions should be pdf files and use the LaTeX  or Word ( templates provided for ACL.

Concurrent submission policy: Papers that have been or will be
submitted to other meetings or publications must provide this
information, using a footnote on the title page of the submissions.
SemDial 2024 cannot accept work for publication or presentation that
will be (or has been) published elsewhere.

Submission is electronic, using the EasyChair conference management
system at our Easychair submission site

Organizing Committee
Raffaella Bernardi
Vanessa Maria Caleca
Jakub Szymanik
Roberto Zamparelli

Programme Committee Chairs
Raffaella Bernardi, University of Trento
Ellen Breitholtz, University of Gothenburg
Giuseppe Riccardi, University of Trento

TrentoLogue is endorsed by SIGdial and SIGsem.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Giuseppe Riccardi
Founder and Director of the Signals and Interactive Systems Lab
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Department
University of Trento

SemDial 2024 -- TrentoLogue The 28th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue 11 and 12 September 2024 University of Trento, Italy TrentoLogue will be the 28th edition of the SemDial workshop series which aim to bring together researchers working on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue in fields such as formal semantics and pragmatics, computational linguistics, artificial intelligence, philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience. Keynote speakers Uri Hasson, Princeton University Azzurra Ruggeri, Max Planck Institute Bernardo Magnini, Fondazone Bruno Kessler (FBK) # IMPORTANT DATES: * Long paper submissions: May 26, 2024 * Reviews due to: June 24, 2024 * Notification for long papers: July 1, 2024 * Short paper submissions: July 11, 2024 * Notification for short papers: July 17, 2024 * Camera Ready: August 26, 2024 * Registration Deadline: August 27, 2024 Note: All deadlines are 11:59PM UTC-12:00 ("Anywhere on Earth"). #TOPICS We welcome submissions with formal, computational, and empirical approaches to the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue, including, but not limited to: * the dynamics of agents' information states in dialogue * common ground/mutual belief * goals, intentions, and commitments in communication * turn-taking and interaction control * semantic/pragmatic interpretation in dialogue * dialogue and discourse structure * categorization of dialogue phenomena in corpora * child-adult interaction * language learning through dialogue * gesture, gaze, and intonational meaning in communication * multimodal dialogue * interpretation and reasoning in spoken dialogue systems * dialogue management * designing and evaluating dialogue systems * modelling miscommunication, disfluency, and repair * dialogue/interaction studies from a psychological perspective * neuroscience of dialogue * Interactivist approaches to dialogue * animal communication # SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Long papers: Authors should submit an anonymous paper of at most 8 pages of content (up to 2 additional pages are allowed for references). Short papers: Authors should submit a non-anonymized paper of at most 2 pages of content (up to 1 additional page allowed for references). Submissions to this track can be non-archival on request. Submissions should be pdf files and use the LaTeX or Word ( templates provided for ACL. Concurrent submission policy: Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or publications must provide this information, using a footnote on the title page of the submissions. SemDial 2024 cannot accept work for publication or presentation that will be (or has been) published elsewhere. Submission is electronic, using the EasyChair conference management system at our Easychair submission site Organizing Committee Raffaella Bernardi Vanessa Maria Caleca Jakub Szymanik Roberto Zamparelli Programme Committee Chairs Raffaella Bernardi, University of Trento Ellen Breitholtz, University of Gothenburg Giuseppe Riccardi, University of Trento TrentoLogue is endorsed by SIGdial and SIGsem. ====== ---- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Giuseppe Riccardi Founder and Director of the Signals and Interactive Systems Lab Department of Computer Science and Engineering Department University of Trento