Call for Papers - ICSR - Special Session "Personalisation and Adaptation in Social Robotics"

Silvia Moros
Tue, Sep 5, 2023 10:35 AM

Apologies for the cross-posting

Dear all,

We would like to invite you to the Special Session "Personalisation and Adaptation in Social Robotics" at ICSR 2023.

Submission instructions:
Papers need to be submitted by the 15th September 2023, selecting the special session "Personalisation and Adaptation in Social Robotics" as the category of submission. The system and the review process are the same as for general papers.

Robots might be placed in unpredictable human-oriented dynamic
environments, outside of controlled or structured laboratories, such as private homes, shopping malls, or healthcare facilities, and it is likely that at times unexpected people's behaviours or suddenly changes of the environment and situational context may require a corresponding change in the robot's behaviours. These unexpected changes are unforeseen environmental variables that may affect the robots' sensor readings, algorithms, and overall behaviours and interaction with other agents and the environment. In such cases, personalisation is a key factor in achieving a successful long-term interactive relationship between social robots and users in human-centred settings, and can be implemented to allow users to easily program and increase a robot's functionalities to make their robotic companion more useful and engaging to interact with.
Several research started to investigate how robots' behaviours can be personalised based on a people's characteristics such as their personality, cognitive profile, and dynamic changes. To this extent, it is fundamental that robots are able to interact with their human counterparts in a personalised way. Multidisciplinary concepts to exploit include Theory of Mind, verbal and non-verbal natural communication, transparency.

In this session, we aim to explore how different techniques used for
enhancing natural human-robot communication, such as inner speech,
legible, predictable and transparent robotic behaviours, explicit and
non-explicit strategies, can be used to endow robots with the ability to
formulate purposeful conscious observations, build their knowledge of the
context and the agents (humans or machines) in the environment, and,
consequently, plan and act according to such awareness. This session aims at
tackling the critical barrier to the lack of robots ability to dinamically adapt to
people and contextual environment, starting from the need for personalised
robotic behaviours, to ensure that diverse populations and individuals’ specific needs and preferences are respected.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Online adaptive behaviour
  • Acceptability and personalization in HRI
  • User and behaviour modeling for adaptation
  • Affective and emotional robots
  • Mutual affective communication
  • Detection of verbal and non-verbal behavioural cues
  • Longitudinal learning and adaptation methods in HRI
  • Short-term personalization in HRI
  • Incremental and online learning in HRI
  • Evaluation of adaptive robot behaviour
  • Security and privacy in personalised HRI
  • Ethical considerations in personalised HRI
  • Transparency in personalised HRI
  • Detection and understanding human activity
  • Monitoring of behaviour and internal states of humans
  • Motion planning and navigation in human-centred environments
  • Multi-modal situation awareness and spatial cognition
  • Social intelligence for robots in interactive and non-interactive tasks


Alessandra Rossi (University of Naples Federico II, Italy):
Sílvia Moros (University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom):

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any
questions regarding this special session.

Kind regards,

Sílvia Moros and Alessandra Rossi

Apologies for the cross-posting Dear all, We would like to invite you to the Special Session "Personalisation and Adaptation in Social Robotics" at ICSR 2023. Submission instructions: Papers need to be submitted by the 15th September 2023, selecting the special session "Personalisation and Adaptation in Social Robotics" as the category of submission. The system and the review process are the same as for general papers. Scope: Robots might be placed in unpredictable human-oriented dynamic environments, outside of controlled or structured laboratories, such as private homes, shopping malls, or healthcare facilities, and it is likely that at times unexpected people's behaviours or suddenly changes of the environment and situational context may require a corresponding change in the robot's behaviours. These unexpected changes are unforeseen environmental variables that may affect the robots' sensor readings, algorithms, and overall behaviours and interaction with other agents and the environment. In such cases, personalisation is a key factor in achieving a successful long-term interactive relationship between social robots and users in human-centred settings, and can be implemented to allow users to easily program and increase a robot's functionalities to make their robotic companion more useful and engaging to interact with. Several research started to investigate how robots' behaviours can be personalised based on a people's characteristics such as their personality, cognitive profile, and dynamic changes. To this extent, it is fundamental that robots are able to interact with their human counterparts in a personalised way. Multidisciplinary concepts to exploit include Theory of Mind, verbal and non-verbal natural communication, transparency. In this session, we aim to explore how different techniques used for enhancing natural human-robot communication, such as inner speech, legible, predictable and transparent robotic behaviours, explicit and non-explicit strategies, can be used to endow robots with the ability to formulate purposeful conscious observations, build their knowledge of the context and the agents (humans or machines) in the environment, and, consequently, plan and act according to such awareness. This session aims at tackling the critical barrier to the lack of robots ability to dinamically adapt to people and contextual environment, starting from the need for personalised robotic behaviours, to ensure that diverse populations and individuals’ specific needs and preferences are respected. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: * Online adaptive behaviour * Acceptability and personalization in HRI * User and behaviour modeling for adaptation * Affective and emotional robots * Mutual affective communication * Detection of verbal and non-verbal behavioural cues * Longitudinal learning and adaptation methods in HRI * Short-term personalization in HRI * Incremental and online learning in HRI * Evaluation of adaptive robot behaviour * Security and privacy in personalised HRI * Ethical considerations in personalised HRI * Transparency in personalised HRI * Detection and understanding human activity * Monitoring of behaviour and internal states of humans * Motion planning and navigation in human-centred environments * Multi-modal situation awareness and spatial cognition * Social intelligence for robots in interactive and non-interactive tasks Organizers: Alessandra Rossi (University of Naples Federico II, Italy): Sílvia Moros (University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom): Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions regarding this special session. Kind regards, Sílvia Moros and Alessandra Rossi