Note The submission deadline for full papers and extended abstracts has been extended to April 12th, 2024
Call for Submissions
ACM 24th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents
September 16-19, 2024, University of Glasgow, Scotland
Submission Date: 5th April 2024 (23:59 UTC-12) Extension to 12th April 2024 (23:59 UTC-12)
2024 Intelligent Virtual Agents
Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA) Annual Conference is the premier international event for interdisciplinary research on the design, application, and evaluation of Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVAs) with a specific focus on the ability to socially interact.
IVA 2024, the 24th Annual Conference, will be held in Glasgow, Scotland, September 16-19, 2024.
Note IVA 2024 will be co-located with the conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII).
IVAs are interactive characters that exhibit human-like capabilities including communicating using natural human modalities such as facial expressions, speech and gesture. IVAs are also capable of real-time perception, cognition, emotion and action that allows them to participate in dynamic social interactions.
IVA 2024 aims to showcase cutting-edge research on the design, application, and evaluation of IVAs, as well as the basic research underlying the technology that supports human-agent interaction such as social perception, dialog modeling, and social behavior planning. We also welcome submissions on central theoretical issues, uses of virtual agents in psychological research and showcases of working applications.
IVA 2024 offers two submission tracks: Papers (8 pages, not including references) and Extended Abstracts (3 pages, not including references).
All submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed by expert reviewers. All accepted full paper submissions will be presented orally and published in the proceedings. Accepted extended abstracts will be presented as a talk or a poster, depending on the outcome of the review process. Accepted extended abstracts will also be published in the proceedings, unless the authors do not want it published.
Interdisciplinary Format
IVA is traditionally a highly interdisciplinary conference. As part of ensuring that, IVA 2024 will account for different publication norms across disciplines. For example, conference publication is a norm in Computer Science whereas journal publications are the norm in Psychology. To accommodate these differences while fostering trans-disciplinary interaction, accepted extended abstracts may be selected for oral presentation in addition to the standard of a poster presentation. Also, authors of extended abstracts will have the option of whether their abstract publication is archival.
IVA invites submissions on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:
Agent design and modeling of:
Emotion (including personality and cultural differences)
Socially communicative behavior (e.g., of emotions, personality traits)
Conversational behavior
Social perception
Machine learning approaches to agent modeling
Approaches to realizing adaptive behavior
Models informed by theoretical and empirical research in psychology
Multimodal interaction:
Verbal and nonverbal behavior coordination
Face-to-face communication skills
Managing co-presence and interpersonal relation
Multi-party interaction
Data driven multimodal modeling
Social agent architectures:
Design criteria and design methodologies
Engineering of real-time human-agent interaction
Standards / measures to support interoperability
Portability and reuse
Specialized tools, toolkits and tool chains
Evaluation methods and studies:
Evaluation methodologies and user studies
Ethical considerations and societal impact
Applicable lessons across fields (e.g. between robotics and virtual agents)
Social agents as a means to study and model human behavior
Applications in education, skills training, health, counseling, games, art, etc.
Virtual agents in games and simulations
Social agents as tools in psychology
Migration of agents between platforms
Special Theme
A special theme this year at IVA will be on the use of multimodal machine learning and large language/foundation models in agent design and implementation, as well as comparison of these techniques to alternative approaches. These advances promise to make virtual agents more robust, human-like and capable of autonomous open-ended interaction. At the same time these advances can raise critical ramifications for the design process’s ability to ensure the behavior of the agent is appropriately circumscribed for an application.
Note: IVA 2024 will as usual have a doctoral consortium, workshops and demos. Details on submissions can be found at the web site:
Paper and extended abstract submissions should be anonymous and prepared in the "ACM Standard" format, more specifically the "SigConf" format.
The LaTeX template for the "ACM Standard"/"SigConf" format can be found inside the official 2017 ACM Master article template package. Please use the most recent version (1.65) available at:
The "ACM Standard" Microsoft Word template is currently not part of the downloadable package as the ACM is currently revising it to improve accessibility of resulting PDF-documents. Please use the "Interim Word Template" instead:
IVA 2024 accepts two types of submissions:
Full papers: 8 pages (not including references)
Extended abstracts: 3 pages (not including references)
All submissions should be in PDF-format.
Important Dates
Preliminary abstract submissions (mandatory, to assign reviewers)
Submission Deadline: 28th March 2024 (23:59 UTC-12)
Papers and Extended Abstracts Submission
Submission Deadline: 5th April 2024 (23:59 UTC-12) Extension to 12th April 2024 (23:59 UTC-12)
Review Process
Initial Review Notification/Start Rebuttal Phase: 10th May 2024
Rebuttals Due: 17th May 2024 (23:59 UTC-12)
Notification of acceptance: 7th June 2024
Camera Ready Due: 7th July 2024 (23:59 UTC-12)
General Chairs:
Rachael Jack (University of Glasgow, UK)
Mathieu Chollet (University of Glasgow, UK)
Ruth Aylett (Heriot Watt University, UK)
Program Chairs:
Timothy Bickmore (Northeastern University, USA)
Gale Lucas (USC Institute for Creative Technologies, USA)
Stacy Marsella (Northeastern University, USA)
Demo Chairs:
mailto:demochairs@iva.acm.orgStefán Ólafsson (Reykjavik University, Iceland).
Pablo Arias Sarah (University of Glasgow, UK)
Workshop Chairs:
Beatrice Biancardi (LINEACT CESI, France)
Patrick Gebhard (DFKI Saarbrücken, Germany)
Proceedings Chairs:
mailto:proceedingschairs@iva.acm.orgThilina Latitharatne (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
Florian Pecune (University of Bordeaux, France)
Doctoral Consortium Chairs:
mailto:doctoralconsortiumchairs@iva.acm.orgHannes Högni Vilhjálmsson (Reykjavik University, Iceland)
Laura Hensel (University of Glasgow, UK)
Local Chairs:
mailto:localchairs@iva.acm.orgMary Ellen Foster (University of Glasgow, UK)
Sponsor Chairs:
Jonas Beskow (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University, Sweden)
Web Chairs:
Brian Ravenet (LISN-CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, France)
Tanja Schneeberger (DFKI Saarbrücken, Germany )
Note The submission deadline for full papers and extended abstracts has been extended to April 12th, 2024
Call for Submissions
ACM 24th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents
September 16-19, 2024, University of Glasgow, Scotland <>
Submission Date: 5th April 2024 (23:59 UTC-12) Extension to 12th April 2024 (23:59 UTC-12)
2024 Intelligent Virtual Agents
Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA) Annual Conference is the premier international event for interdisciplinary research on the design, application, and evaluation of Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVAs) with a specific focus on the ability to socially interact.
IVA 2024, the 24th Annual Conference, will be held in Glasgow, Scotland, September 16-19, 2024.
Note IVA 2024 will be co-located with the conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII).
IVAs are interactive characters that exhibit human-like capabilities including communicating using natural human modalities such as facial expressions, speech and gesture. IVAs are also capable of real-time perception, cognition, emotion and action that allows them to participate in dynamic social interactions.
IVA 2024 aims to showcase cutting-edge research on the design, application, and evaluation of IVAs, as well as the basic research underlying the technology that supports human-agent interaction such as social perception, dialog modeling, and social behavior planning. We also welcome submissions on central theoretical issues, uses of virtual agents in psychological research and showcases of working applications.
IVA 2024 offers two submission tracks: Papers (8 pages, not including references) and Extended Abstracts (3 pages, not including references).
All submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed by expert reviewers. All accepted full paper submissions will be presented orally and published in the proceedings. Accepted extended abstracts will be presented as a talk or a poster, depending on the outcome of the review process. Accepted extended abstracts will also be published in the proceedings, unless the authors do not want it published.
Interdisciplinary Format
IVA is traditionally a highly interdisciplinary conference. As part of ensuring that, IVA 2024 will account for different publication norms across disciplines. For example, conference publication is a norm in Computer Science whereas journal publications are the norm in Psychology. To accommodate these differences while fostering trans-disciplinary interaction, accepted extended abstracts may be selected for oral presentation in addition to the standard of a poster presentation. Also, authors of extended abstracts will have the option of whether their abstract publication is archival.
IVA invites submissions on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:
Agent design and modeling of:
Emotion (including personality and cultural differences)
Socially communicative behavior (e.g., of emotions, personality traits)
Conversational behavior
Social perception
Machine learning approaches to agent modeling
Approaches to realizing adaptive behavior
Models informed by theoretical and empirical research in psychology
Multimodal interaction:
Verbal and nonverbal behavior coordination
Face-to-face communication skills
Managing co-presence and interpersonal relation
Multi-party interaction
Data driven multimodal modeling
Social agent architectures:
Design criteria and design methodologies
Engineering of real-time human-agent interaction
Standards / measures to support interoperability
Portability and reuse
Specialized tools, toolkits and tool chains
Evaluation methods and studies:
Evaluation methodologies and user studies
Ethical considerations and societal impact
Applicable lessons across fields (e.g. between robotics and virtual agents)
Social agents as a means to study and model human behavior
Applications in education, skills training, health, counseling, games, art, etc.
Virtual agents in games and simulations
Social agents as tools in psychology
Migration of agents between platforms
Special Theme
A special theme this year at IVA will be on the use of multimodal machine learning and large language/foundation models in agent design and implementation, as well as comparison of these techniques to alternative approaches. These advances promise to make virtual agents more robust, human-like and capable of autonomous open-ended interaction. At the same time these advances can raise critical ramifications for the design process’s ability to ensure the behavior of the agent is appropriately circumscribed for an application.
Note: IVA 2024 will as usual have a doctoral consortium, workshops and demos. Details on submissions can be found at the web site: <>
Paper and extended abstract submissions should be anonymous and prepared in the "ACM Standard" format, more specifically the "SigConf" format.
The LaTeX template for the "ACM Standard"/"SigConf" format can be found inside the official 2017 ACM Master article template package. Please use the most recent version (1.65) available at:
The "ACM Standard" Microsoft Word template is currently not part of the downloadable package as the ACM is currently revising it to improve accessibility of resulting PDF-documents. Please use the "Interim Word Template" instead:
IVA 2024 accepts two types of submissions:
Full papers: 8 pages (not including references)
Extended abstracts: 3 pages (not including references)
All submissions should be in PDF-format.
Important Dates
Preliminary abstract submissions (mandatory, to assign reviewers)
Submission Deadline: 28th March 2024 (23:59 UTC-12)
Papers and Extended Abstracts Submission
Submission Deadline: 5th April 2024 (23:59 UTC-12) Extension to 12th April 2024 (23:59 UTC-12)
Review Process
Initial Review Notification/Start Rebuttal Phase: 10th May 2024
Rebuttals Due: 17th May 2024 (23:59 UTC-12)
Notification of acceptance: 7th June 2024
Camera Ready Due: 7th July 2024 (23:59 UTC-12)
General Chairs: <>
Rachael Jack (University of Glasgow, UK)
Mathieu Chollet (University of Glasgow, UK)
Ruth Aylett (Heriot Watt University, UK)
Program Chairs: <>
Timothy Bickmore (Northeastern University, USA)
Gale Lucas (USC Institute for Creative Technologies, USA)
Stacy Marsella (Northeastern University, USA)
Demo Chairs:
<>Stefán Ólafsson (Reykjavik University, Iceland).
Pablo Arias Sarah (University of Glasgow, UK)
Workshop Chairs: <>
Beatrice Biancardi (LINEACT CESI, France)
Patrick Gebhard (DFKI Saarbrücken, Germany)
Proceedings Chairs:
<>Thilina Latitharatne (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
Florian Pecune (University of Bordeaux, France)
Doctoral Consortium Chairs:
<>Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson (Reykjavik University, Iceland)
Laura Hensel (University of Glasgow, UK)
Local Chairs:
<>Mary Ellen Foster (University of Glasgow, UK)
Sponsor Chairs: <>
Jonas Beskow (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University, Sweden)
Web Chairs: <>
Brian Ravenet (LISN-CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, France)
Tanja Schneeberger (DFKI Saarbrücken, Germany )