Hagen, Germany, 18th – 20th September 2024
The International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA) is a regular forum for presentation and exchange of the latest research results concerning theory and applications of computational argumentation. After the successful editions in Liverpool (2006), Toulouse (2008), Desenzano del Garda (2010), Vienna (2012), Pitlochry (2014), Potsdam (2016), Warsaw (2018), Perugia (2020), and Cardiff (2022), the biennial COMMA event will be hosted at the FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany. COMMA 2024 will be preceded by the sixth edition of the Summer School on Argumentation (SSA 2024). In addition to the main conference track, COMMA 2024 will include system demonstrations, as well as workshops devoted to specific argumentation-related themes.
COMMA topics include, but are not limited to:
• Formal, semi-formal and informal models for argumentation
• Argumentation and Non-monotonic Reasoning
• Dialogue based on argumentation
• Strategies in argumentation
• Argumentation and game theory
• Argumentation and probability
• Argumentation and narrative
• Argumentation-based explanation
• Argumentation and computational linguistics
• Argument mining
• Computational properties of argumentation
• Reasoning about action and time with argumentation
• Decision making based on argumentation
• Argumentation in agent and multi-agent systems
• Argumentation for coordination and coalition formation
• Argumentation-based negotiation
• Argumentation, trust and reputation
• Argumentation and human-computer interaction
• Systems for learning through argument
• Implementation of argumentation systems
• Tools for supporting argumentation
• Demonstrations of innovative working applications and tools
We invite submission of original and unpublished work. Parallel submission to journals or other conferences or workshops with published proceedings is not permitted. The conference includes a Regular Track and an Innovative Applications Track. As to the latter, we encourage the submission of original papers about innovative applications, e.g., in law, medicine, e-democracy, risk assessment, intelligent user interfaces, recommender systems, argument mining etc. Innovative applications papers will be assessed in an equally rigorous reviewing procedure as regular track papers. The reviewing process is single blind. The length of each submission for both Regular and Innovative Applications papers must not exceed 12 pages.
Paper submission, in PDF format, will be managed through EasyChair online at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=comma2024 and will be open until 18 April 2024 (all dates are 23:59 UTC-12, ‘anywhere on Earth’).
We also invite submissions of demonstration of systems and tools. Authors of accepted submissions will be invited to present their demonstrations during a special demonstration session. Systems of interest include (but are not limited to):
• Innovative applications in law, medicine, -democracy, risk assessment, intelligent user interfaces, recommender systems
• Argumentation-based reasoners
• Systems for generating arguments from knowledge bases
• Systems for editing, presenting, and judging arguments and counterarguments
• Collaborative and social systems based on argumentation
• Simulations of dialogue-based argumentation
• Argumentation-based agents and multi-agent systems
• Decision support systems based on argumentation
• Argument mining systems
• Argumentation-based systems for explainable decision making
All those intending to demonstrate a system should notify the demonstrations coordinator Tjitze Rienstra (t.rienstra@maastrichtuniversity.nl) by e-mail no later than April 4th, 2024, specifying whether the demo is connected to a paper in the main conference track. Where a demonstration is not connected to a paper in the regular or innovative applications tracks, a two-page extended abstract about the system must be submitted for review by the general paper submission deadline of 18 April 2024. For those demonstrations that are connected to a paper in one of the main conference tracks, no separate abstract about the demonstration should be submitted. The submission site, format and dates for extended abstracts are the same as for regular papers. Accepted extended abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings
The proceedings of the conference will be published by IOS Press as an open-access book. Authors should prepare their submission following the instructions given by IOS Press (http://www.iospress.nl/service/authors/latex-and-word-tools-for-book-authors/).
We are happy to announce that the following workshops will take place prior to the COMMA 2024 conference:
24th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument, CMNA 2024 https://cmna-workshop.github.io/cmna24/
2nd International Workshop on Argumentation for eXplainable AI, ArgXAI 2024 https://people.cs.umu.se/tkampik/argxai/2024.html
5th International Workshop on Systems and Algorithms for Formal, SAFA 2024 https://safa2024.argumentationcompetition.org/
Important Dates
• Demo request email deadline: 04 April 2024
• Paper submission deadline: 18 April 2024
• Notification of acceptance: 10 June 2024
• Camera-ready versions due: 1 July 2024
Invited Speakers
• Leila Amgoud, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse
• Ulrike Hahn, Birkbeck, University of London
• Serena Villata, Université Côte d’Azur
Program Chair: Chris Reed (University of Dundee, United Kingdom)
Local Chair: Matthias Thimm (University of Hagen, Germany)
Workshop Chair: Sarah A. Gaggl (TU Dresden, Germany)
Demo Chair: Tjitze Rienstra (Maastricht University, The Netherlands)
Summer School Chairs: Jesse Heyninck (Open Universiteit Heerlen, The Netherlands), and AnneMarie Borg (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Programme Committee
Milad Alshomary, Paderborn University
Leila Amgoud, IRIT - CNRS
Ofer Arieli, The Academic College of Tel-Aviv
Katie Atkinson, University of Liverpool
Pietro Baroni, DII - University of Brescia
Trevor Bench-Capon, University of Liverpool
Floris Bex, Utrecht University
Stefano Bistarelli, Università di Perugia
Elizabeth Black, King's College London
Alexander Bochman, Computer Science Dept., Holon Institute of Technology
Elise Bonzon, LIPADE - Universite de Paris
Richard Booth, Cardiff University
Katarzyna Budzynska, Warsaw University of Technology
Elena Cabrio, Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, Inria, I3S, France
Martin Caminada, Cardiff University
Federico Cerutti, University of Brescia
Chung-Chi Chen, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Carlos Chesñevar, UNS (Universidad Nacional del Sur)
Oana Cocarascu, King's College London
Andrea Cohen, Institute for Computer Science and Engineering (ICIC), CONICET-UNS
Kristijonas Čyras, Ericsson
Sylvie Doutre, University Toulouse Capitole - IRIT
Paul Dunne, University of Liverpool
Wolfgang Dvořák, TU Wien
Xiuyi Fan, Nanyang Technological University
Anette Frank, Computational Linguistics Department, University of Heidelberg
Massimiliano Giacomin, University of Brescia
Lluis Godo, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, IIIA - CSIC
Guido Governatori, Charles Sturt University
Annette Hautli-Janisz, University of Passau
Jesse Heyninck, Open Universiteit, the Netherlands
Anthony Hunter, University College London
Souhila Kaci, Lirmm
Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Technische Universitaet Dortmund
Hiroyuki Kido, Cardiff University
Sébastien Konieczny, CRIL - CNRS
Marie-Christine Lagasquie-Schiex, IRIT - Universite Paul Sabatier
John Lawrence, University of Dundee
Eimear Maguire, University of Dundee
Quratul-Ain Mahesar, University of Huddersfield
Jean-Guy Mailly, Université Toulouse Capitole, IRIT, Toulouse, France
Sanjay Modgil, King's College London
Maxime Morge, Université de Lille
Elena Musi, University of Liverpool
Juan Carlos Nieves, Umeå University
Nir Oren, University of Aberdeen
Fabio Paglieri, ISTC-CNR Rome
Simon Parsons, University of Lincoln
Guilherme Paulino-Passos, Imperial College London
Martín Pereira-Fariña, University of Santiago de Compostela
Brian Pluss, University of Dundee
Sylwia Polberg, Cardiff University
Henry Prakken, Department of Information and Computing Sciences, University of Utrecht & Faculty of Law, University of Groningen
Antonio Rago, Imperial College London
Chris Reed, University of Dundee
Tjitze Rienstra, Maastricht University
Odinaldo Rodrigues, Kings College London
Ramon Ruizdolz, University of Dundee
Chiaki Sakama, Wakayama University
Francesco Santini, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università di Perugia, Italy
Isabel Sassoon, Brunel University London
Jodi Schneider, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Guillermo R. Simari, Universidad del Sur in Bahia Blanca
Mark Snaith, Robert Gordon University Aberdeen
Manfred Stede, Univ Potsdam
Christian Strasser, Ruhr-University Bochum
Carlo Taticchi, Università degli Studi di Perugia
Matthias Thimm, FernUniversität in Hagen
Alice Toniolo, University of St Andrews
Markus Ulbricht, University of Leipzig
Leon van der Torre, University of Luxembourg
Bart Verheij, University of Groningen
Srdjan Vesic, CRIL, CNRS – Univ. Artois
Serena Villata, CNRS - Laboratoire d'Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia-Antipolis
Jacky Visser, University of Dundee
Henning Wachsmuth, Leibniz University Hannover
Johannes P. Wallner, TU Graz
Simon Wells, Edinburgh Napier University
Emil Weydert, CSC, University of Luxembourg
Stefan Woltran, TU Wien
Andreas Xydis, University of Lincoln
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